4 min read

TypeScript | How to organize Types and Interfaces

TypeScript | How to organize Types and Interfaces

Organizing TypeScript types and interfaces effectively is crucial for maintaining clean, scalable, and maintainable codebases. Here are some best practices and tips for organizing them:

Table of Contents

  • Global-based
  • Component-based
  • Model-based or Object-based
  • Typed-based


One effective approach to organizing TypeScript projects is the global-based structure, a methodology that centralizes type definitions and promotes a cohesive codebase. In this article, we'll explore the nuances of this approach, focusing on a typical project structure:

|-- components
|-- services
|-- routes
|-- global
     |-- types.ts

At the heart of this structure lies the global directory, specifically the types.ts file. This file serves as a centralized repository for all global type definitions used throughout the application. From complex interfaces to simple utility types, types.ts becomes the single source of truth for types. This centralization is beneficial in several ways:

  • Consistency: Ensures uniformity in type usage across different parts of the application.
  • Maintainability: Eases the process of updating types. A change in types.ts reflects throughout the entire project.
  • Clarity: Provides a clear overview of the data structures used, making the codebase more readable and easier to navigate.

Best Practices for Managing:

While the advantages of a global-based approach are clear, it also comes with its challenges, primarily around managing the types.ts file. To keep this file from becoming overwhelming:

  • Regular Refactoring: Periodically review types.ts to ensure it remains organized and relevant to the project's current needs.
  • Clear Documentation: Commenting and clear naming conventions in types.ts are essential for ease of use and understanding.
  • Restrained Global Scope: Not every type deserves a global scope. Limit types.ts to types that are genuinely reused across different parts of the application.


The component-based approach in TypeScript file organization is particularly effective in such environments. This approach focuses on encapsulating all related files, including TypeScript types, within component directories. We will explore this methodology using an Node-like project structure:

|-- app
    |-- app.controller.spec.ts
    |-- app.controller.ts
    |-- app.service.ts
    |-- app.module.types.ts
    |-- app.module.ts
|-- assets
|-- environments

In a component-based file organization, each component acts as a self-contained unit with its own set of TypeScript files, styles, templates, and tests. This modular structure has several advantages:

  • Encapsulation: Every component encapsulates its functionality, styles, and types, making the components more reusable and maintainable.
  • Clarity: It's easier to understand and navigate the codebase as all related files of a component are in one place.
  • Streamlined Development: Developers can work on different components simultaneously without much interference, enhancing team collaboration and efficiency.

Best Practices for Managing:

  • Consistency: Follow a consistent naming and structuring convention for all components.
  • Separation of Concerns: Keep component-specific logic, styles, and types within the component folder. Avoid unnecessary dependencies on external files.
  • Modular Design: Design components to be self-contained and reusable, with clearly defined inputs and outputs.
  • Refactoring and Clean-up: Regularly refactor components to remove unused types and code, keeping the component lean and efficient.

Model-based or Object-based

In the intricate world of software development, organizing code in a manner that enhances readability, maintainability, and scalability is paramount. One such organization strategy that has proven effective, especially in large-scale projects, is the model-based or object-based approach. This method involves structuring TypeScript files around domain models or objects, making it particularly suitable for applications with a strong emphasis on business logic and data representation. Let’s explore this approach, focusing on how it is implemented in a typical TypeScript project.

Consider the following directory structure:

|-- models
    |-- user.model.ts
    |-- product.model.ts
    |-- order.model.ts
|-- components
|-- services
|-- utils

The models directory is the backbone of this approach. It contains TypeScript files, each representing a different domain model or object. These files define interfaces or classes that represent the data structures and business logic pertaining to these models. For example:

  • user.model.ts: Defines the structure and methods for user-related data.
  • product.model.ts: Contains the schema and functionalities associated with products.
  • order.model.ts: Represents the order entity with its properties and behaviors.

This structure has several advantages:

  • Clarity and Cohesion: Having a separate model file for each key entity makes the codebase more understandable and logically organized.
  • Reusability and Scalability: Models can be easily reused across different parts of the application, promoting a DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) approach and scalability.
  • Ease of Maintenance: Updating the data structure or business logic of a model is straightforward, as all related code is centralized in one file.

Best Practices for Managing:

  • Define Clear Interfaces: For each model, define a clear and comprehensive interface that represents its data structure.
  • Implement Business Logic: Include methods within model files that encapsulate the business logic related to that model.
  • Use Consistent Naming Conventions: Ensure that file and class/interface names accurately reflect the model they represent.
  • Regular Refactoring: As the application evolves, continuously refactor model files to accommodate new requirements and remove obsolete code.


In the dynamic and complex world of software development, the way we organize our code can significantly impact the efficiency and clarity of our projects. A type-based approach to organizing TypeScript files, where types are categorized based on their nature, offers a structured and systematic way of managing the various types used throughout an application. This method is particularly useful in large-scale projects where managing a myriad of types becomes crucial.

The type-based organization segregates TypeScript files into distinct directories based on their category:

|-- ts
   |-- enums
   |   |-- a.enums.ts
   |   |-- b.enums.ts
   |-- interfaces
   |   |-- a.interfaces.ts
   |   |-- b.interfaces.ts
   |   |-- c.interfaces.ts
   |   |-- d.interfaces.ts
   |-- types
       |-- a.types.ts
       |-- b.types.ts

This structure has several advantages:

  • Clarity and Accessibility: By categorizing types, developers can quickly locate and understand the types used in the project.
  • Scalability: As the project grows, this method makes it easier to manage and add new types without cluttering or confusing the existing structure.
  • Improved Maintenance: Updating or refactoring types becomes more manageable as they are well-organized and their purpose is clearly defined.
  • Encourages Reusability: Centralizing types encourages developers to reuse existing types, promoting a DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) coding principle.

Best Practices for Managing:

  1. Consistent Naming Conventions: Use clear and descriptive names for files and types, reflecting their purpose and content.
  2. Modularization: Keep types modular and focused; avoid overly large files that contain multiple unrelated types.
  3. Documentation: Comment your types, especially the more complex ones, to explain their purpose and usage within the application.
  4. Regular Refactoring: Periodically review the types to ensure they remain relevant, clear, and efficient.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your TypeScript types and interfaces are well-organized, easy to understand, and maintainable.